Wellbeing 60+ Grant
Grant Purpose:
To provide financial support, promote health and wellbeing and enhance the quality of life to our kaumatua who are 60+ for the following:
- Prescription Glasses
- Dental/Dentures
- GP Visits & Prescriptions
- Hearing Impairments
Grant Criteria:
- Must have attained the age of 60+.
- Have completed the registration process and have been allocated a BE Number.
- ​Contact the office if you are unsure that you are registered or received your BE Number.
- This grant is paid on a reimbursement basis to the maximum of $400.00. QUOTES WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED.
- Provide a Tax invoice or Receipt of Payment
Travel Health & Accommodation Grant
Grant Purpose:
- To assist our kaumatua and beneficiaries in meeting some of the costs incurred in travel and accommodation to attend medical appointments.
- There is no age limit associated with this grant.
Grant Criteria:
Owners/beneficiaries in the Trust can apply for a maximum grant of up to $300.00 for both the Travel and Accommodation per calendar year.
- This grant is paid on a reimbursement basis.
- For those required to travel outside of the area for specialised treatment (e.g. Dialysis, Cancer, Heart and Other Treatment at Trustees Discretion) Travel Only $100.00 per appointment up to $300.00 (applicants may apply up to three times).
- Travel must be least 70km distance to destination.
- Travel and Accommodation up to $300 in total.
- Provide a tax invoice or specialist letter or appointment card.
Registration Process:
- You must be a current owner or a beneficiary of an Individual Owner or Whanau Trust.
- If you have not registered click here to register REGISTER
- An email or letter will be sent advising the applicant the outcome of your grant application
- Payment will be made within 14 days after the consideration of the application
- Funds to all approved applications will be paid directly to your nominated bank account